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3 Reasons Assets Don’t Avoid Probate

The Family Trust: Top 3 Reasons Probate Wasn’t Avoided While it is true that a properly funded and properly drafted revocable living trust will avoid the probate process, there are several reasons why probate isn’t always avoided.  Here are some…

What If I Die Without a Will?

It is often reported that the majority of Americans do not have a Last Will and Testament, and I expect those in Nevada are no better.  That leaves many with the question: What if I die without a Will? And…

Real Estate Planning

Have you set up a trust and wonder how to hold title to your residence?  Have you invested in your first rental property and wondered what would be the best way to hold title?  Or have you been investing in…

Can You Set Up a Trust Without a Lawyer?

Often people wonder whether you can set up a trust without a lawyer.  I am not often asked this question I imagine because most people probably assume that my answer, as an attorney, will be “Absolutely not!”  However, that is…

Non-Judicial Settlement Agreements

It is difficult to prepare for every contingency in life.  This is also true for creating a trust.  When it comes to money, not  everyone will see eye-to-eye, and disputes can arise.  Just like any other legal dispute, if a…

Five Steps for Gift Analysis

As you may know, the annual gift tax exclusion is currently $14,000 per person, per year.  However, due to the estate tax lifetime exemption amount of $5,450,000 (for 2016), the gift and estate tax has become either irrelevant or arbitrary…